Center for Biblical Research
Donald McNeeley, DBS - Research Professor of Biblical Archaeology and Old Testament studies
Tidewater Bible College (TBC) is proud to provide administrative support and oversight of the research efforts performed by Dr. Don McNeeley. Current efforts underway at CBR include continued support of the Khirbet el-Maqatir (biblical site of Ai) and Tell Shiloh (where the Tabernacle stood for over 300 years). These excavations have provided a better understanding of the biblical periods. To read about current research efforts and results obtained, please click here.
Paul Brazinski, PhD - Research Professor of Ancient and Church History
Tidewater Bible College (TBC) is proud to provide administrative support for the research Dr. Paul Brazinski. To read about current research efforts and results obtained, please click here.
Kenneth Griffith - Research Associate for Pre-Pottery Neolithic Periods
Tidewater Bible College (TBC) is proud to provide support of the research efforts performed by Kenneth Griffith. To read about current research efforts and results obtained, please click here.