
Tidewater Bible College is accredited with the Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI). Their website can be reached by clicking on this link

The organization can also be reached at Transworld Accrediating Commision, 9085 California Ave, Riverside, CA 92503.
Licensing and Ordination
We have a partnership agreement with the International Ministerial Fellowship (IMF) whereby our course work will satisfy their requirements for licensing and ultimately ordination.

Tidewater Bible College (TBC) strives to maintain excellent academic standards and procedures as generally established within the larger academic community. TBC operates as an exempt religious institution, as provided by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).  TBC reports to SCHEV to maintain that status.

It is also our position that many traditional, governmentally approved and controlled accreditation agencies, and the faith/religion-based academic institutions accredited by them, are fundamentally at odds with the principle of church/state separation.

The recognition of these facts has led most colleges, universities, and seminaries to accept credits and degrees from non-accredited institutions on a case-by-case basis (sometimes up to a certain percentage of their admissions as allowed by their accrediting associations).

We are always ready to assist our students who wish to pursue transfer of their TBC credits and/or degrees for advanced degrees.